Monday, April 11, 2016

April 2016 Post


***Principal's Podcast for 4-11-16 can be found here - LINK

We are in full swing at CES since coming back from Spring Break.  This has been a great school year and we are looking forward to the remainder of our year.

Join me in Celebrating Assistant Principals week, April 11-15!

Mrs. Nona Adams and Mr. Matt Taylor are our 2 assistant principals at Creekside and they play a vital role in the success we have at CES.

Please take the time this week to thank Mrs. Adams and Mr. Taylor for their contributions they make to CES on a daily basis!


NEW PTO officers for 2016-17 school year!

President - Melina Chasteen
Vice Pres - Jennifer Turner
Secretary - Nancy Groce
Treasurer - Jennifer Thallas
Assist Tres - Kelly Bradford

Morning Drop-off Reminders:

7:05 - North side car line starts

7:05-7:20 - South side buses only

7:20 - South side car line starts

7:35 - Tardy Bell

During morning car line time the front office entrance is only for special needs students, deliveries and office visits.

***Car lines are running great on the North and South sides.  We are not very crowded in the first several groups we are unloading.  Please do you best to be here on time.  Start your child's day off in a positive way and come early!  :)

Afternoon pickup reminders:

2:40 - First dismissal bell rings

Buses only on the South side.

North side car line - Please stay in your car:  The past few weeks we have had problems with parents getting out of their car & walking on the sidewalk.  Parents - Stay in your car.  If your child needs help opening the car door we have staff members outside who will assist your child.  Parents please pass this information to whomever picks up your child (grandparent, aunt, uncle, friend or sitter).


Habit of the Month

Habit 6 - Synergize!

Together Is Better: I value other people’s strengths and learn from them. I get along well with others, even people who are different than me. I work well in groups. I seek out other people’s ideas to solve problems because I know that by teaming with others we can create better solutions than anyone of us can alone. I am humble.

Leader in Me - Parent information link


Upcoming Dates for Creekside - ** click link for upcoming dates **

Please follow the above link to review the upcoming dates @ CES.  We have a lot of events coming up the last several weeks of school.  Save this link as we will update it from time to time.  Thanks


Join CES Parent "Remind" notification system.  Receive a text / email!



Field Day - May 13th!

Please join us for Field Day on May 13.  It is an all day event for each grade level.  Coach Donnie Story is planning Field Day again this year and we are looking forward to a great day!  Rain date is May 16.


PTO Spring Arts Festival - April 23 - info link

Saturday, April 23 is our 2nd annual Spring Arts Festival.  We are looking forward to another great year.  10:00 AM - 2:00 PM.

CES Chorus presents @ 10:30 AM
CES Drama presents @ 10:45 AM


Kindergarten Registration - Monday, April 18th - info link


Construction Update - LINK

Construction process at CES continues to move in a positive direction.  Follow our construction process at this LINK.


As always if we can be of any service to you at CES please do not hesitate to call on us.


Matt Scott

Monday, April 4, 2016

PTO meeting today @ CES @ 4:00 pm

PTO meeting today!

4:00 pm in the Lunchroom

Agenda items:

Habit Leaders

Spring Arts Festival

Field Day - info from Donnie Story

Elect new officers

Link to information on officers